Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

just unimportant sentences -__-

Do you want to know what my problem is? I will tell you what my problem is, I LOVE YOU I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, I love what you look like when you are asleep, I love the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I love how when you touch me I get weak, that is my problem

I wanna be the girl that he talks to his friends about, I wanna be the girl that always comes first, I wanna be the girl he never wants to leave alone, I wanna be the girl who's hand he's holding, I wanna be the girl he looks at and smiles and then says to his friends, "That's her, she's the one"

Have you ever really thought about it? You've got this girl, head over heels in love with you. She'd do anything for you, she'd die for you. But for some reason, you don't want to see that. You know it's there, and you know that you feel the same way. But you refuse to let it be. Maybe you're scared of the thought that this girl who you've known forever - you've seen her happy, you've send sad -- maybe this girl is perfect for you. And that really scares the hell outta you, doesn't it?

People say whats the point in liking someone who doesn't like you back. They are right, there isn't a point. But you can't help who you like, it's not up to you. Your heart kinda just decides for you and there is no turning back once your heart makes up its mind

Frustrated because I can't tell if it's real. Mad because I don't know how you feel. Upset because we can't make it right. Sad because I need you day and night. Angry because you won't take my hand. Aggravated because you don't understand. Disappointed because we can't be together, but still I'll love you forever

When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you.
When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you.
When I first liked you I was afraid to love you.
Now that I love you I'm afraid to loss you

Why I love you is a hard question to answer. I love you because you care for me like no one else I know. I love the way I feel in your arms, so safe from dangers in the world. I love your eyes, so hypnotic and mesmerizing, beautiful to gaze into, and yet never revealing everything to me. I can explain every way that I love you because thats in possible. But I can say I love you because I know you are

I love you. I love every little thing about you , the sound of your voice, the magic in your eyes. I love your gentle touch and the warmth I feel at your side I love dreaming about you. I love discovering you and letting go with you. I love each and every once in a lifetime moments I share with you today, tomorrow, forever.

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty. He said no. Then she asked him he liked her and he said no. She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever. He said no. She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away. He again said no. She had heard too much. She needed to leave. As she walked away, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don't like you, I love you. I don't want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever, and I wouldn't cry if you walked away

Laying there with your arms around me I felt so comfortable and safe. My heart was beating a mile a minute having you so close to me. As you played with my hair and kissed me I couldn't help but smile straight from my heart. I could see how much you cared from the look in your eyes. It made me never want to let you go. To just stay wrapped in your arms forever. Where nothing else matters but you and me.

Why I love you is a hard question to answer. I love you because you care for me like no one else I know. I love the way I feel in your arms, so safe from dangers in the world. I love your eyes, so hypnotic and mesmerizing, beautiful to gaze into, and yet never revealing everything to me. I can explain every way that I love you because thats in possible. But I can say I love you because I you are you.

I love you because I know you're always there... there to catch me when I fall... there to listen when I need you, there when I feel alone. I love you because you understand me... you know how I feel even when I can't say it... you know I'm not as strong as I say and still you never let me know that I'm not fooling you. I love you because you make me believe, believe that I am not worthless... believe that I can be loved, am loved, and can love others. I love you because you know, you know I feel this way but can't say it and still you wait... letting me take my time to come to terms with the fact that I love you... would give my life up to be with you... and above all... never hurt you... lie to you... or leave you. Now I hope you understand.

Why I love you is a hard question to answer. I love you because you care for me like no one else I know. I love the way I feel in your arms, so safe from dangers in the world. I love your eyes, so hypnotic and mesmerizing, beautiful to gaze into, and yet never revealing everything to me. I can explain every way that I love you because thats in possible. But I can say I love you because I you are you.

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